

A well-equipped laboratory is the right hand of a science teacher. Science is a subject that should be taught through experimentation and activities.

Our school has a well-equipped lab to suit the needs of every class. Preserved models, specimens, slides, and microscopes help the children in understanding biological concepts easily. Similarly, chemistry and physics labs are well-equipped to handle experiments for various levels. A computer installed in the lab provides visuals.


In order to keep experimentation, a mathematics laboratory was set up in our school in June 2016, with a various maths kits. [Abacus Kit, Factorization Kit, Circles Kit, etc., to name a few]. Students from classes IV to X are making use of these kits in parallel to their respective lessons.


The Social Lab meets the requirements of students of all grades with facilities that accentuate the understanding of the concepts of Social Sciences. The teachers and students have close interaction where the teacher can assess the performance of the students.


The school possesses three well-equipped Computer Labs. The subject “Computer Science” is a part of the curriculum from Class III onwards.

Apart from the theory, the students have practical classes in the lab, where they learn programming so as to inculcate technical skills. According to the classes, a graded syllabus is framed from Logo to Python to suit the student’s needs.


The School library is enriched with different titles for general reading and reference purposes. The students of the school not only borrow books but utilize the library for updating their knowledge through periodicals, news periodicals, newspapers, and encyclopedias.


In order to make the teaching learning process a joyful experience, we have a fully functional DIGITAL LANGUAGE LAB.

Digital Language Lab is equipped with Wordsworth Software. The lab is designed for nurturing the English Proficiency of young learners. The software complements the school curriculum.

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